Interested in participating in a fun and exciting research study with your baby? Want to learn more about the development of your baby?

At the Infant Research Group, we conduct research to understand what infants know about the world around them and what impact family relationships have on infants’ social and emotional development. For example, do infants understand social interactions? Can infants tell the difference between two things and three things? Do infants’ relationships with parents shape their ability to manage emotions?

There are also many practical uses for our research. For example, some of our research can help further the understanding of developmental disabilities such as dyscalculia and autism, they can also help educators develop better learning materials, and they can help clinicians develop programs aimed at promoting children’s mental health.

We have a variety of study options available for infants of various ages, from 2 months up to 24 months, all of which take place on the MU campus. Some studies involve a one-time visit for 15-30 minutes during which we simply measure how long your infant looks at different events that take place on a puppet stage. Others involve two, 1-2 hour visits during which you and your infant play and interact together. The procedures are safe and fun for infants and there are no risks beyond those of daily life.

For participating in a study, we will either provide monetary compensation, give you a copy of the study on CD to take home with you to share with friends and family, or give your baby a small gift. If you are traveling from a distance to participate, you may be eligible for travel reimbursement.

How to Participate

You can contact us in several ways:

• Email us at

• Call the lab at 573-882-7415

You can learn more about our research at: